Fan recreation of the upcoming Nvidia Flagship, it by no means represents any interest of Nvidia and was made based on rumors and the release images of sept 2020, it is only meant to be used as an ilutration. Im not afiliated with Nvidia in any way.
It as basic materials resembeling the ones used on presentations.
The model is not to scale. and it is NOT a 1 to 1 came before the ports and pcb were shown so i took some artistic liberties.
See the preview images for a betetr undrestanding of the topology of the mesh its a combination of subD and bevel.
There are 2 .blend versions included Both are Eevee and Cycles compatibleNativeHas the lighting setup for the render seen in the thumbnail and the geometry as seen in the other imagesUniversalHas the triangulated ready version without extra datra or orphan data,