Router/Modem - Low poly model for Your Interior scenes and renders.
Model is created using 3Ds Max 2016 application. It is a polygonal model.
Asset is low poly and game-ready. Opens with no problem in Unity 5.
Model is UVW unwrapped. All zip files contain raw UV map.
Model is fully textured in Substance painter (PBR), 2048x2048 .png's. Includes all textures for Standard Specular setup (Unity) and all necessary maps for Vray renders.
Scene does not include Lights shown in preview renders.
Asset is set in world coordinates x0 y0 z0.
For easy use objects is named logically (using English language).
File Formats:.MAX2016.FBX .3DS.OBJ
Polygons and Vertices-
Router 1766 polygons and 2043 vertices.
Warning: Depending on which software package you are using, the exchange formats (.fbx, .obj, .3ds) may not match the preview images exactly. Due to the nature of these formats, there may be some textures that have to be loaded by hand and possibly triangulated geometry.