This pack contains a high quality, old computer that can be used in any realtime renderer that supports the physically based rendering pipeline. The model uses one material only, and is available as a complete mesh or split to submeshes, which are: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Case.
Available formats: .OBJ, .FBX, .3DS Split model format: FBX
Texture maps (1 material): Base color, metallic, roughness, normal (DirectX), ambient occlusion, emission (Contains the screen emission, the green power light, and the keyboard's NUM LOCK being on)Textures are packed in a 'Textures.ZIP' file in the download section!Format: Lossless .PNG (8bits/channel) Resolution: 2K (crisp clear from close-up, decrease as needed)
Please note that the mesh files doesn't contain embedded media, as you'll want to assemble the shader based on the renderer where you intend to use it. Please read the EULA for legal info!