Gamer mouse high quality model. It will accept perfectly different types of colors, Uved for a pattern divided in several segments.
Easily change colors.
Model to scale, if your software changes the size while importing, use 125mm or 4.9' long.
All top requirements fullfilled:
Model opens without errors and doesn't require 3rd party plug-ins.
Real-world scale in any unit of measurement.
Only quads and tris, no N-Gons, as few tris as possible.
No visible UV stretching.
Model positioned at the origin [0,0,0].
No isolated vertices, coincident vertices, no coincident faces.
Few poles or vertices with more than 5 edges connected.
The model is originally made in Modo, other software may require material edits. A generic plastic with a slight shine achieves a more realistic effect.
Formats included: .lwo, .obj, .fbx, .lxo (.obj contains UV information and is an industry standard that most software can use) and some other formats. Conversions available upon request.