This room contains anything you need in a gaming room.
ready 3d model 3d gaming room. u can see a preview on the video and on the pictures of cycles. highly detailed model with cycles in blender, as seen on the attached images.
File formats: -.blend, rendered with cycles, as seen in the images; -.obj, with materials applied; -.dae, with materials applied; -.fbx, with materials applied; -.stl;
3D Software: The 3D model was originally created in Blender 2.8.
Preview scenes: The preview images are rendered in Blender using its built-in render engine cycles and evee.
For any problems please feel free to contact me.
Info about model:this project contains:led lights gaming chair gaming chair3 monitors tvgreen screencouch led light attach to cameraroofdecorlightsspeakersswordaxespop figurestableheadsetmousekeyboard that light!camera