6D Quadratic MOSFET - Transistor Core - Concept.
use all 6 directions, each containing 4 insulated MOSFETs, to supply a maximum of logic, from 24 individual logical gates as input, to a single inner core output drain. use different resistances per axial side or per individual mosfet and it's junction, to create a variable output, multi use transistor. 24 logical gates packed together in a single transistor core Drain, enabling a computer and or a vehicle to behave directionally, having the resistance and behavior be acting different to a single differentiated direction.
the different colors indicate the possibility of further expanding division within the system, we could have for instance, 6 mosfet, 1 on 6 sides, or 24 mosfet, 4 on each side, or even divide further, enhancing the transistor conceptually by maximalization of efficiency through utilization of available space. the 8 outer points of the tesseract can be use either for input or output connections, depending on the finalized design or need. any combination we need can be realized, 2 in 6 out, 4 in 4 out, etc. even allowing for modular use of the system.