Technics SL-1200GR Turntable.
All preview images shown are rendered with Octane Render. Plus a few screenshots of the model in the viewports of Cinema 4D, Substance Painter, and Element 3D. Enviroments and lighting setups are not included, but let me know if you want them. Modeled after the Technics SL-1200GR Turntable, but not an exact replica. The Technics logo is present in all of the textures, but easily removable. The vinyl has no texture on the bottom side.
Files include:
_C4D_Octane - Cinema 4D project file with Octane shaders, using dedicated 8K texture maps. This is where all the renders come from. Rigged as specified above. Screnshot attached.
_ORBX - Octane Standalone Package with embeded textures. Can be unpacked as OCS, or imported into any host program running Octane (or Standalone), using the orbx importer.
_SPP - Substance Painter project file. You can edit the textures for all file formats bellow. Screnshot attached.
_TEX - Textures exported from Substance Painter and used for all the files bellow. Textures are 4K 16bit png files (Spec/Gloss PBR). Unpack in the root folder. All files point to these textures by default. Screenshot attached.
_TEX_8K - Textures exported from Substance Painter and used for all the files bellow. Textures are 8K 16bit png files (Spec/Gloss PBR). You dont need to download the 8K textures if you dont need that much detail.
_C4D - Cinema 4D scene file with Physical/Standard shaders using the PBR textures exported from Substance Painter. Rigged as specified above. Screnshot attached.
_FBX - Autodesk FBX exported from C4D. You may need to re-tweak the shaders abit, depending on the program you open it in, but all PBR textures should maintain link.
_E3D - Ready to use in Video Copilot's Element 3D, plus an After Effects project file with the model already loaded. I have exposed the Glass Cover rotation in Aux Channel 1, with proper pivot points, for easy animation. You may need to re-link the model/textures upon opening it for the first time, so just point to the root folder, where you extracted the pbr texture pack. Screnshot attached.
_OBJ - OBJ/MTL exported from Cinema 4D.
_MAX - 3ds Max project file with default shaders, using the PBR textures. May need adjustments.
Extra formats with embeded textures at various resolutions (Metal/Rough PBR): .dae (Collada), .usdz (Pixar/Apple AR), .gltf/.glb (Khronos Group).
LEGACY - All the files from previous revisions, you dont need to download this, but im keeping it in just incase.
All files are zipped.
The 3D Model can be seen in action here:
If you have any questions or requests, dont hesitate to get in touch. Also please consider leaving a like or a comment discussing the model. Im eager to know what people think about my models, so i can find ways to improve.
Revision history: