This is a vintage microphone from the former GDR. It is a replica of the “GW RFT DHM 62”. The model consists of separated parts and those parts are all well named for that it is easier to find the right ones. There are some textures and materials included and the shading nodes are easy to modify. The mesh is quite simple, so it should be game ready, but there are also some significant details, which make the mesh more live like. The logo on the front and on the back is also removable or even replaceable. The origin of the black stand was set in a way that it is simple to animate or to just flip the stand on the back of the microphone.
If you got questions or if you need similar models or additions to that model or whatever it might be Don’t hesitate I have always an open ear!
The download includes:
-Textures -.blend file -.stl file -.dae -.fbx -.glb -.mtl -.obj -.ply -.usdc -.x3d
If you like or hate that model, please let me know why because I’m always trying to improve myself and your comment would help me finding my path.
Thanks a lot if you bought this awesome microphone! Your decision really encourages me to continue modeling 3D objects