This is a lowpoly model of a 1980's Walkman cassette player, ready for use in games or projects.
The cassette player model has 2412 vertices and 4178 polygons, the cassette has 984 vertices and 1772 polygons.
The archive includes the model of the cassette player and cassette, in the .fbx (ver. 2014/2015) and .obj format.
The textures were made using the PBR Metallic Roughness workflow.
The texture types included in the archive are: normal textures, base color textures, opacity textures, roughness textures, metallic textures and ambient occlusion textures, all in 2048x2048 resolution.
If you'd like to have custom textures made for this model, i.e with original Sony Walkman branding or request a higher resolution, please message me.