3d Model of a Speaker Driver Cross Section
Modeled in 3ds max 2015 and rendered in Vray 3.40.01
Render and lighting setup is not included
Model is subdivideable
Real world scale (centimeters) and positioned in coordinate start
Diameter/Height:31cm /11cm
The non-cut version is also included
.max versions contain vray materials, .obj versions are geometry only
Unwrapped UVs (except for some small pars which have simpe box mapping), but they are not packed together in one UV layout (each object is unwrapped independently), all UVs are the same scale
Relative texture paths
Texture maps:
basket_paint_bump_1.tif - 1024*1024
basket_paint_bump_2.tif - 1024*1024
basket_paint_gloss_1.tif - 1024*1024
basket_paint_gloss_2.tif - 1365*1024
brushed_metal.tif - 1024*1024
gasket.tif - 1024*1024
magnet.tif - 1024*1024
magnet_poles.tif - 1024*1024
membrane.tif - 2048*2048
membrane_bump.tif - 256*256
spider_bump.tif - 512*512
spider_diff.tif - 2240*1680
terminal_wire_bump.tif - 256*256
voicecoil_paper.tif - 1024*1024
Scene versions:
Speaker-CrossSection_collapsed-stack.max - Cross section version, collapsed stack with 2 TurboSmooth levels applied poly: 224,352 vert: 225,227
Speaker-CrossSection_uncollapsed-stack.max - Cross section version, uncollapsed stack poly: 293,740 vert: 225,407
Speaker_uncollapsed-stack.max - Whole driver version, uncolapsed stack poly: 533,576 vert: 274,978
Speaker_collapsed-stack.max - Whole driver version, collapsed stack with 2 TurboSmooth levels applied poly: 274,596 vert: 274,978
Speaker_base-geometry.obj - Whole driver version, base geometry only poly: 118,852 vert: 229,920
Speaker_subdivided.obj - Whole driver version, geometry only with 2 TurboSmooth levels applied poly: 274,612 vert: 274,978
Speaker-CrossSection_subdivided.obj - Cross section version, geometry only with 2 TurboSmooth levels applied poly: 151,452 vert: 151,940