This is a iconic model of a loudspeaker from SYNTHESIS JBL
Rendered: CYCLES
12 Textures are included
Materials might need to be re-assigned for other applications.
Model is included in 5 file formats
Note: Foam Grill doesn't render in evee. İf you want to render in evee, just uncheck the 'Foam Grill' from the Scene Collection list.To change colour of foam; go to shading, select 'Foam' material and adjust the color in 'Principled Volume'.
Default Colour is Black
Black Foam Grill: H:0,0 - S:0,0 - V:0,5 - A:1,0
P.S: Hi everyone,This is Samet, i am an architect. I mostly model urban designs and buildings in sketchup. I've been trying to learn blender for a while and this is my first real fully textured model after some donut modelings.Planing to model more hi-fi stuff in future.
Hope you like it.