A pair of Genuis speakers, black and gray.
Textures used:
Cloth bump texture 4096x4096
Knob bump texture 1024x1024
Logo and text textures are 4096 in at least one dimension
The model is subdivision-ready. Units are set to centimeters. All the main parts are unwrapped with non-overlapping UVs. The main model file contains the model only, set at world origin with rotation cleared. The render setup file contains the setup used to produce some of the rendered images, except for the HDRI.
For non-Blender users: Blender's shrinkwrap modifier is used to make some curved areas with booleans perfectly smooth. If you are not going to edit the model, you may want to use the version of an exchange format with shrinkwrap applied, which implies that the subdivision is also applied, in this case level 2. Of course, you can subdivide it further if you need to.