Victorian Female 01 - Body and Face Rigged - 3 versions

Victorian Female 01 - Body and Face Rigged - 3 versions 3D model


Victorian Female 01 - Body and Face Rigged - one model 3 versions

This model comes with several pre-animated scenes to get you started:
There is one model, but three color maps, so there are two similar files one for each color map.

11a-RB ZERO.blend
1163-RB combo Anim-BAKED.blend
11c-RB ShapeKeys.blend
11d-RB Postion Tests.blend
12b3-BLU combo Anim-BAKED.blend
12c-Blue Postion Tests BLU.blend
13b3-BLK combo Anim-BAKED.blend
13c-BLK Postion Tests..blend

The walk animation is not keyframed manually - it was created in the NLA editor. As such it cannot be easily edited in the basic key frame way.

BUT it can be altered easily with a very nice addon called ANIMATION LAYERS - I am in no way associated with them but if you have ever used MOTION BUILDER, it works in a similar way by allowing you to add layers above the MOCAP animation and make you changes on those additional layers which Over ride the Base MOCAP animation.-----------------------

It is built with Blender's Rigify.

  • First go to the N Panel (press N on the keyboard)
  • Select the ITEM tab
  • Be sure that the RIG LAYERS section is showing your rig controllers (in Blue)
  • To move the hands select the shape over the hand and drag or rotate - dragging toward the body will cause the arm to bend at the elbow.
  • In the same way grab the similar shape at the foot to move the foot and bend the knee.
  • To move fingers - select one of the stright lines comming off of the fingers and hit “S” for “Scale” it will rotate the 3 finger joints at once - you can also select ant knuckle and rotate a single finger joint.
  • The large circle with arrows at the base of the model moves the entire object
  • Grab the Gear shape (or arrows) at the shoulder torotate the elbow
  • The arrows at the thighs rotate the knee
    -THe big box at the waist will lift the model or make it bend at the knees and twist at the waist
  • The 3 purple discs in the torso can twist the torso
  • The bent disc at the shoulder will rotate the shoulders and upper body
  • small arrows and disc at the heel will raise just the heel off of the ground
  • The disc at the toes will raise the toe
  • The disc at the neck will rotate the neck area
  • The disc above the head will rotate the head
  • The coat has it's own set of controlling discs.

    That should get you started.

    The face rig is also built in Blender's Rigify there are controller shapes for the mouth open and close, the eyelids the cheeks, the jaw line, the tongue and teeth, the eyebrows, the lips the chin, the nose - right and left sides can be controlled seperately.

    There are 21 phonemes and 56 facial morphs - Built on Apple’s ARKit

    Basis, Breast-Size, eyeBlinkLeft, eyeBlinkRight, eyeLookDownLeft, eyeLookDownRi., eyeLookInLeft, eyeLookInRight, eyeLookOutLeft, eyeLookOutRight, eyeLookUpLeft, eyeLookUpRight, eyeSquintLeft, eyeSquintRight, eyeWideLeft, eyeWideRight, jawForward, jawLeft, jawRight, jawOpen, mouthClose, mouthFunnel, mouthPucker, mouthRight, mouthLeft, mouthSmileLeft, mouthSmileLeft, mouthSmileRight, mouthFrownRight, mouthFrownLeft, mouthDimpleLeft, mouthDimpleRight, mouthStretchLeft, mouthStretchRight, mouthRollLower, mouthRollUpper, mouthShrugLower, mouthShrugUpper, mouthPressLeft, mouthPressRight, mouthLowerDow.., mouthLowerDown, mouthUpperUpLeft, mouthUpperUpR..., browDownLeft, browDownRight, browinnerUp-both, browOuterUpLeft, browOuterUpRight, cheekPuff, cheekSquintLeft, cheekSquintRight, cheekSquintLeft, cheekSquintRight, noseSneerLeft, noseSneerRight, tongueOut, aa_ah_ax_01, aa_02 ,ao_03, ey_eh_uh_04, er_05 ,y_iy_ih_ix_06, w_uw_07, ow_08, aw_09, oy_10, ay_11, h_12, r_13, |_14, J_s_z_15, sh_ch_ih_zh_16, th_dh_17, If_v_18, d_t_n_19, k_g_ng_20, p_b_m_21

    If you have positioned the model by moving the bones, AND you try to use some morph targets, you may have some pretty weird distortions that will freak you out.

    Don't panic, the solution is to 'zero' out your bone positions, as or just before you apply the 'Morph' targets.

    Victorian Female 01
    32375 polygons
    37391 vertices

    Ground Plane
    1 polygon
    4 verices

Image maps are 4k

Youtube Samples are here:
VictFem01 Postion Tests -
VictFem01-Color-TT -
VictFem01-Wire-TT -
VictFem01Combo -
VictFem01ShapeKeyAnim -
Blender_VG1-Gent-Walk-SEQ.mp4 -
Blender_VG2-Gent-Walk-SEQ.mp4 -
Blender_VG2-POSES.mp4 -

smallworlds2024-02-29 09:18:18 UTC
Wonderful work!
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Victorian Female 01 - Body and Face Rigged - 3 versions
Royalty Free License 
Victorian Female 01 - Body and Face Rigged - 3 versions
Royalty Free License 
Response 95% in 4.2h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend) (2 files)2.65 GBVersion: 3.5Renderer: Cycles Version: 4.1Renderer: Cycles
  • Collada (.dae)407 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)113 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)706 MB
  • PDF (.pdf) (3 files)2.65 GB
  • Blender (.blend) (2 files)2.65 GBVersion: 3.5Renderer: Cycles Version: 4.1Renderer: Cycles

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-07-06
  • Model ID#4620182
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 32,375
  • Vertices 37,391
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Non-overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing