●Product ID: female_001
● File content: UE5.1 project, Maya, Fbx
●Scope of application: mainly used in UE5.1, the project includes high-definition rendering of the material ball, using real-time global illumination system, and the released preview image is a screenshot in UE. There are no HD rendering materials in Maya or Fbx, so they can only be used to modify models and animations. If you are an expert in the field and want to render realistic results in other software, you can also try.
●For more parameters, please refer to the preview image (Chinese and English translation)
● UE sequence and animation effect address (file size is large, cannot be uploaded): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jT411k7Mi/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=8333f28bfa52e6935617dcc6a75075b0
●Tip: Low-end computers may take a long time to load, and there may be no response or crashes. This machine configuration: i7 processor + 16G memory + SSD + 1050Ti graphics card