File formats - fbx, textures (tga), Unreal project (v4.21+),Unity (v2019.4.28+) (project - maya2019) + Naked TGA+FBX+ProjectMaya2019+Morf(BlendShape Big Chest ^^) **-Technical Details-**BlendShape - 52 pieces There are emotions of smile, surprise, sadness, anger, blinking of eyes, puffing and swelling of cheeks, moving eyes and nose, moving eyebrows.Polycount: faces 21547, tris 42175, verts 21783; Hair: faces 16194, tris 32388, verts 26034.
Easy Animations retarget in Humanoid and Epic Skeleton. Facial expressions are included (Morph Targets, Blendshapes). APPLE BLENDSHAPES FOR LIVE LINK FACE You can use this model for face mocap (live stream) and conversation animations. LEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO BLUEPRINTS!
Facial expressions are included (Morph Targets, Blendshapes). PBR Textures Metall/Roughness 4K Textures - normal, metallic, roughness, albedo, opacity, One complete model consists of 7 materials. Hair, Face, Eyelashes, Jaw, Clothes, Body, Eyes.
Has 5 colors of clothing, and if you want to use the model in survival games, there is clothing with dust and dirt. The body and head have 4 paint options. Usually the condition is in the blood, in the dirt, and you can also make dark skin.
The body has a full texture as well as a transparency map. When using custom animations, you can use transparency on the body. The model is completely modular, you can remove or add any part you want. Physics is enabled: for clothes via Cloth Simulation.