Rigged model of Sailor Saturn. The verts and poly counts are based on subdivision of 1 of all meshes included in the file. You can freely set the division level to what looks best to you.
Objects are separated into the following main groups
Main Body: body (shapekeys included, with mask modifiers to ensure body parts don't stick out of clothing), eyebrows (shapekeys included), hairfront, hairback, hairbase, body_eye_L and body_eye_R (shapekey included)
Civilian outfit (mask_stockings and mask_dress should be enabled on body mesh):body_civilian, shoes, stockings&underwear, veil
Sailor Suit (mask_boots, mask_arms and mask_body should all be enabled on body mesh): body_sailorsuit_saturn, boots, bow, choker, chokerstar, earrings, gloves, glove_guard, star, tiara, waist_guard, backbow, skirt, silenceglaive
Swimsuit2:body_swimsuit2, string
Swimsuit4: body_swimsuitsailor, swimpants, swimsuitbow
Cat outfit (mask_boots and mask_hands should be enabled on body mesh): body_catsuit, cat_choker, cat_headband, cat_suit_skirt, cat_tail, catgloves, catshoes, socks, underwear
Blender model is rigged using Blenrig5. For full utility, you should download the Blenrig addon for Blender 2.7 here: https://cloud.blender.org/p/blenrig/56965fc3c379cf44546120e1 Here's a youtube video that shows how to enable the addon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v9JOEaVJu4
Model is posed using controls in biped_blenrig (make sure to select the right layer) and facial expressions are affected by shape keys on objects.
Each object is uv mapped to 1 of 8 textures (in png format) included in the file.
[LATEST UPDATE 07/11/2021] Mesh and rig updated.