A maiko is a young woman who follows only the geisha who perform dances in Japan. The kimono and hair ornaments are gorgeous and are often seen in Kyoto, even in Japan.
This 3D model was posed and photogrammed. Since it has a pose, I envisioned it as a non-moving model, but there is an animation of a smiling face with bones in it, looking up at the fan. It's a blender file.Other files do not export well and do not work. (FBX, OBJ, Cinema4D)
Facial animation used Blender's add-on FaceIT. The body bones were manually rigged and keyframed.
The total number of meshes is 96,000, and the hair ornaments are fine. The package includes a color map of 5 colors for the color of the hair ornament and the color of the kimono. The map is set to 2K, but 8K can also be set. Includes color map, normal map, roughness map and metal map.
This 3D model can be used commercially.We hope we can help you with your project.