Lady Punisher -Lynn Michaels-
Lynn Michaels is a fictional vigilante, and ally of the Marvel Comics antihero the Punisher. She was created by Chuck Dixon and John Romita Jr., and first appeared in The Punisher War Zone #7 (Sept. 1992)She first appeared in The Punisher War Zone #7, as a police officer attempting to catch a serial rapist plaguing Central Park. Frank Castle / The Punisher is in the park as well, taking down targets of opportunity as he also hunts for the rapist. They both confront the criminal, but he escapes. Lynn and Frank team up to track him down, resulting in a series of confrontations with several international assassins. The rapist ultimately dies in a shootout that leaves Lynn wounded. While being treated, she plants a kiss on Frank. The fact that she worked with the Punisher becomes common knowledge among her colleagues on the force.Later, Frank asks Lynn for help in tracking down an organization that is kidnapping people and stealing their blood so it can be illegally sold for medical purposes. Lynn kills the organization's leader, Mr. Sandeen, when he gets the drop on Frank, Ghost Rider and his ally Matt Murdock / Daredevil. Feeling that she had crossed the line again, she breaks down.Everything changes for Lynn when she takes part in the arrest of a suspected thief, Clyde Allen Durkin, at his home. They discover evidence indicating that he has murdered several children, but due to warrant problems, the evidence is ruled inadmissible and Durkin gets jailed on only minor charges with no prison time. Disgusted, Lynn leaves the force.The Punisher apparently kills himself with a bomb he had planted to take out a mobster's meeting. A government task force that targets vigilantes, called VIGIL, targets Payback, a new vigilante trying to fill the Punisher's shoes. He is Eddie Dyson, an ex-police officer who witnessed the murder of his family at the hands of mobsters. Lynn rescues Payback from VIGIL and takes up vigilantism herself.Lynn is a trained law-enforcement officer which includes proficiency at unarmed and armed combat with various firearms. Like the Punisher, she is not averse to using guns in her war against crime. She wears a Punisher-inspired Kevlar costume.
All Diffuse, Normal Bump, Ambient Oclussion, Roughness & Height Maps Included
Facial Rig Included
Jacket is Removable
Includes 12 Animations in FBX Format:Walk In Place, Walk Forward, Idle, Peek And Aim, Gunplay, Pistol Run Forward, Pistol Run In Place, Pistol Walk Forward, Pistol Walk In Place, Reloading, Rifle Idle & Shooting Gun