UNITY and UE4 projects
The character has an epic skeleton with some extra bones. You can apply a skeleton from a mannequin to a character and everything will work fine. I plan to add a few more hairstyles in the future. This character will work great with my next projects.
There are 41 wonderful blendshapes. You can use them for any type of facial animation. I tested live link animation and everything worked fine.
Added a version of a human and an elf with different ears.
Body hair and clothing are added with separate meshes for the ability to customize the character as you like.
The character has a material with flexible settings, you can change the color of the skin and hair as you like.
And also the set includes 3 colors of underwear.
There are also 4 versions of face painting in a fantasy Scandinavian style - 2 and 1 more with just makeup, and one clean face.
Technical Details
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (No)
Number of Animations:0
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place):0
Number of characters:1
Vertex counts of characters: 41,737
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6 Materials and 17 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 73
Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: no
Important/Additional Notes: no