The topology consist of 100% quads and has a proper clean edgeflow good for rigging, animating, sculpting and vertex-modeling.
The polycount is kept as low as possible and focused on the face and hands.
Subdividing the mesh works clean and gives you a proper base to start sculpting from.
The edgeflow is made to represent all important details while optimized for deformation.
The mesh is mirror symmetrical with a continuous middle edge.
--Mesh Objects--
Body: 6164 quads
Eyeball: 672 quads
Cornea: 576 quads
Mouth: 232 quads
I have Inluded the tga 4k texture and Blender Materials (Principled BSDF, Diffuse BSDF, Glossy BSDF and Glas BSDF) I used for the preview Renders.
The Texture is a base color with eyebrow, eyelash and lip indicators.