Girl in underwear.
Girl 3d that you can use in your real-time projects, games, augmented reality, virtual reality 3D model. Rendered in marmoset toolbag 3.05.
Programs you need to open the files to download: Maya 2019.2 or higher (there are two files that open in Maya 2015 or higher), blender 2.83 or higher, marmoset toolbag 3.05 or higher.
Features: Model is placed to 0,0,0 scene coordinates. The model is efficient UV unwrapped, in addition each object is separate and each object has two UV channels, some programs like unity can use this biased UV channel for some operation. Model made to real scale with a height of 1.58 meters. Every parts of the model named properly. The size of the textures varies depending on the part of the model, some textures like underwear have 4k, while the body texture has 8k, so there are textures of 512, 2k, 4k, and 8k depending on the 3D part. The textures are made following the flow pbr specular / gloss.
Does not contain rig or animations.
Package includes:
*Marmoset toolbag 3.05 scene: Girl 3D, lights, and materials as seen in the renders.
*Blender 2.83 scene: Girl 3D, lights, and materials. real-time rendering with eevee.
Maya ma: two ma files, one for maya 2015 and the other for maya 2019.2.
Maya mb: two projects for maya, one is for maya 2015 and the other for 2019.2, the objs have a basic blinn material with some textures applied, load the project in maya from file-> set project to load the textures appropriately.
*FBX 2014/2015: 4 files.
*OBJ: 13 files.
Faces: 17370Triangles: 34090Verts: 18767
The objects are all modeled separately: Body(nude), Eyes( eyeball, cornea, tearline, eyeshadow, eyelashes), hair, underwear, teeth, gum, tongue.