Here is Arrietty from the Ghibli Studio movie Karigurashi no Arrietty that I created in Blender.
The model is game ready, Low poly, textured, rigged and animated.
Faces : 74 648 ; Vertices : 75 013.
There is 7 textures : T_Body_Diffuse ; T_Body_AO ; T_Facialparts_Diffuse ; T_Clothes_Diffuse ; T_Clothes_AO ; T_Hair_Diffuse ; T_Hair_AO.
Texture size : 2048x2048.
The rig contains body and face rig. There is a pose library in the asset browser in the Blender file with about 20+ poses.
There is 9 basic game animations such as : Idle, walk, run, crouch, jump, attack.
FBX file is included with all animation, ready to import in game engine. ( Tested on Unreal Engine )
A .STL file is also included with a figure model of the character, ready for 3D print.
You can see the creation process on the link below :
Artstation Link :