Here is Anna!
For Blender 4.2 (rigged with Auto-Rig Pro) and Maya 2018 (rigged with MGear)
-Why should I buy?
Fully rigged character at your finger tips! Designed to provide an intuitive workflow with IK/FK snap, auto-stretch, this rig should meet all your needs. With a smart edge flow, the models are 99% quads. Experience a quick and easy way to select the body parts: thanks to the picker interface, you’ll be glad not to click 10 times on the wrong controller because there are too many of them overlapping at the same place. Customizable shaders, 2 haircut models included: long hair and pony tail.
Detailed features list :
-Arms, legs: IK/FK switches and snap, stretchable chains, with auto-stretch. Automatic twist bones-Fully stretchable spine-Advanced facial setup including eyelids, eyebrows, eye scale, jaw, teeth, tong and much more.-Very flexible rig-Mirror pose controllers-Bones picker panel in a separate window to easily select the controllers and show/hide layers.-[Blender version only] Library presets for fingers-[Blender version only] Controllers are set in several layers to display only the needed ones
-Clean and optimized modelling, 99% quads – animation oriented topology with smart edges flows
-Set of clothes, hair (polygonal), shoes included
-Custom shader groups with diffuse and bump maps, advanced skin shader fast to render
-Tangent reflection for the hair
-Rendered with Cycles in Blender, Arnold in Maya 2018
-Consistent naming, organized scene with logical groups and layers. Ready to be linked in any scene!