When I buy something, I read the description carefully. If I bought it and want to put it in a program that is not mentioned in the description - I do it at my own risk. Which means - if I bought it and it doesn't work - no claims to the author. I just bought it and use it where it is intended. Or if it works - I'm satisfied with it.... and don't disturb an author.
This is a Real-Time Hairstyle only for cinematic rendering in interiors or exteriors. I will prepare next asset for Metahumans =) If you want to transfer this asset to MetaHumans, just watch this video instruction.
You should import the model with this settings - https://prnt.sc/1329fwuThen you don't have to change the coordinates of the hair. You need to bind them to the character through the Groom Component. And animate the character.The hairstyle itself is not in the zero system, because I positioned it at the level of the head of a standard female character.But if this creates problems, let me know - I will do this hairstyle under the zero system.
The pack includes:
You can use it either for your self-education in cinematic hair production or for personal and commercial projects with some tweaks for your character.
I really hope that you will find it useful, I would appreciate any feedback! Also, check out other hairstyles in my shop.