I have been creating realistic assets for AAA game studios for 15 years using high-end photogrammetry scanning equipment. Some noteworthy projects include Ghost Recon, GTA, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Mass Effects and more, for which I created most if not all the playable and non-playable characters. I specialize in optimizing these 3D scans into game-engine ready models with basic color and normal maps.
This model has been created using the exact same techniques as many of the open-world games I've worked on. The head geometry includes the eyes as part of the geometry which will make it easy to use without any additional shader or rigging work. The topology is such that the eye-geometry can be easily pushed inward to make room for separate eyeball geometry should you choose to do so.
I have included three maps:
Additional subdivision versions and formats can be found at https://3dfaces.net.