8K TexturesBones SetupScene Setup
Model Done only with Quads.Textures in 8K.Parts Name For Easy Selections.Skelegons Tree for Bones.All Surface on Nodes.Weight Maps + BonesAll Bones Named.2 Diffrent Lwo Files.(LightWave,Kray,Octane)
Unit Used: millimeters
2 Different Version of C-3PO:
Gold and Red Arm Version.
C-3PO AO Gold (8192x8192)C-3PO AO Red Arm (8192x8192)C-3PO Diffuse Gold (8192x8192)C-3PO Diffuse Red Arm (8192x8192)C-3PO Emissive (8192x8192)C-3PO Metallic Gold (8192x8192)C-3PO Metallic Red Arm (8192x8192)C-3PO Normal Map Gold (8192x8192)C-3PO Normal Map Red Arm (8192x8192)C-3PO Opacity (8192x8192)C-3PO Reflections Gold (8192x8192)C-3PO Reflections Red Arm (8192x8192)C-3PO Roughness Gold (8192x8192)C-3PO Roughness Red Arm (8192x8192)
Best regards.Adrian