This is a low poly, game-ready, textured, skinned, rigged and animated little droid.The model is low poly, suitable for top-down 3rd person games.Geometry : 2270 verts, 2400 facesSkeleton : 17 jointsRig : custom, non-bipedMaterials : 1The textures are 2048x2048 and are suitable for PBR rendering (albedo, metal, roughness, occlusion, normal)The Maya file contains the control rig and all the animations for the character in the trax editor. The FBX file contains the clean skinned model with all the animations in separate animation takes. Animations:walk_forward_inplacewalk_forwardwalk_right_inplacewalk_left_inplacewalk_rightwalk_leftwalk_back_inplacewalk_backidle1hit_inplacehit_backhit_back_harddeath_1death_2shoot_1jump_downclimb_upclimb_up_staticattack_1If more animations are required, use the maya file with the control rig or contact me :)The package also contains the metallic platform and its textures