Detailed low poly 3D character Xenomorph Snake
Description: It has no arms or legs, but possesses a powerful tail which allows it to attack and hide in trees. It also possesses a wide hood similar to that of a cobra, which it spreads before spitting acid at its victims.The Snake Alien's hood and ability to spit acid point to the host being a spitting cobra, which also has a hood and can spit venom.The inner-jaw of the snake alien has the longest reach of any Xenomorph species shown thus far.
Model made of Polygon mesh
Render made using 3D max Vray (background is not included)
Rigging: Yes
Rigged & Skinned Xenomorph Snake in 3Ds max 2020
Number of textures including PBR textures: 6
Model has 4k textures with PBR maps (BaseColor, Dispace, Normal, Ambient occlusion, Opacity)
Polys: 34 849
Verts: 34 879
The model includes formats(Max,Fbx,Obj,3Ds)