Vorlon alien commander character for ma,fbx and obj. This character has a simple rig to pose the head and move. The ma version has rig controls to move and twist the robe. __________________________________________________________________
================= Files within zip: =================
Vorlon_ReadMe.txt Vorlon.obj Vorlon.fbx Vorlon.ma
ChestD.tga 2048 x 2048 ChestN.tga 2048 x 2048 ChestS.tga 2048 x 2048 HeadD.tga 2048 x 2048 HeadN.tga 2048 x 2048 HeadPartsD.tga 2048 x 2048 HeadPartsN.tga 2048 x 2048 HeadPartsS.tga 2048 x 2048 HeadS.tga 2048 x 2048 NeckD.tga 2048 x 2048 NeckN.tga 2048 x 2048 NeckS.tga 2048 x 2048 PartsD.tga 2048 x 2048 PartsN.tga 2048 x 2048 PartsS.tga 2048 x 2048 PlateD.tga 2048 x 2048 PlateN.tga 2048 x 2048 PlateS.tga 2048 x 2048 RobeD.tga 2048 x 2048 RobeN.tga 2048 x 2048 RobeS.tga 2048 x 2048