Old Worn Astrounaut Suit based/referenced off of multiple different old space suits from nasa and cccp
This model is contains five different texture sets: 4k Textures PBR Metallic Roughness. These textures can be downsampled if needed.Model is mixamo rigged and weight painted in Blender (shown in preview).
Verts: 95,939 Faces: 93,207 Triangles: 186,293
FBX file contains imagesTextures may need to be loaded into your software after uncompression.TWO OBJs marked for with AirTank or without Airtank (this is incase used for fast rigging in mixamo) Refer to notes for best mixamo pointsweightpainting may be required to avoid stretching, Blender file has a mixamo rig with fixed weightpaints.Simple ABC included of looping walk cycle animation, textures must be added after import.
Blend file contains properly weightpainted Mixamo rig, Mixamo walking animation, Character, Simple Airtank rig (see blend file for how it was done or use same model)
Blend file has textures packed. If you have trouble with textures within blender find a new HDRI/remove existing one, orUncompress textures.zip, Open blend file, go to File, External Data, Find missing Files, select uncompressed texture folder.This will cause Blender to reload the new files (you need to do this if any models look purple in preview).
First Sold model, could be made to work with games however best for staging Images or animations/shorts.Reselling of any parts, textures, etc in any form is not allowed, if you plan on 3D printing using this model you may but for a maximum of 5 prints (no selling).
Hope you enjoy