This is a fully rigged and animated model, Most parts consist of subdivision control cages (low poly models + meshsmooth modifiers). The model consist of separate segments linked to a multiple segment IK chain. Each segment has its own rotation point so no deformations occur on meshes. The IK chain in turn is driven by a spline controller that is controlled by 5 dummy's. The knifes and tips in front and back are also animated.
Package contains following items:
Note: Both 3ds max files are click render ready and deliver the results you see on top, however depending on the version of Octane render plug-in the shaders may convert to basic shaders.(file was made with Octane render 1.3 and only supports the shaders in that version natively)The scanline version renders in all 3ds max versions starting from 2010.
Note: if you want to import Snakebot-RS1 into other 3D software packages please check out this option and read description carefully (
Feel free to ask additional questions should you have any, (click the small envelope icon next to the Author name or enter his profile and use the green contact button on the left).
Have fun,