Due to the nature of different 3D softwares and exchange formats textures might need to be manually relinked or reassigned.
Available File Types :
-- .c4d - native format
Texture Resolutions :
128x128 finger gimbals (hidden parts) / no need for higher resolution - these parts can be turned off to save geometry if needed, these are primarily used to animate the fingers
512x512 finger side gimbals / these are not hidden but very small so there is no need for higher resolution
1024x1024 finger joints (one finger has 3 joints)
4096x4096 head, torso and hip
2048x2048 everything else including shoulder, upper/lower arms, upper/lower legs, feet parts (3 parts on each foot - front, middle, back)
7 types of Standard textures (.png) / Base Color, Height, Metallic, Normal_DirectX, Normal, Roughness and Ambient Occlusion274 textures total
3 types of Unity 5 (.tif) textures / Albedo Transparency, Normal, SpecularSmoothness 309 textures total (the large number is out to that every finger joints have separate textures in this set)
3 types of Unreal Engine 4 (.tif) textures / BaseColor, Normal, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic 309 textures total (the large number is out to that every finger joints have separate textures in this set)
All textures have the PBR characteristic (render engine that supports PBR can use their PBR feature).All textures can be used in any renderer even in those which doesn’t support PBR, textures will render without the PBR characteristic.The preview images were rendered in C4D Physical render engine that doesn’t support PBR.