Add a little something extra to your sci-fi projects with this little drone.
Customizable with a few meshes and full colors.Textures include a clean version and dirty version.Blender File included. Includes two quick and easy blueprints to get you started for Unreal Engine 4.27, Unreal Engine 5 and up.
Unreal Engine Project Features:Easily customizableTwo starter blueprints Number of Unique Meshes: Static Meshes ( 4 ) Skeletal Meshes ( 1 )Collision: (Yes)Vertex Count: ( 440 - 11,488 )LODs: (Yes) AutoNumber of Materials and Material Instances: ( 18 )Number of Textures: ( 30 ) (Clean and Dirty Versions)Texture Resolutions: ( 2048 x 2048 )