Futuristic animated drone with emotion screen - lowpoly low-poly 3d model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps.
== .unitypackage file ( mesh + material with textures ) for one-click import ==
Drone with screen along with textures showing emotion ( OK, Query, Talking, Warining ) [ on emission channel ]. It has idle, walking, talking, looking around animation states setup in UnityPackage already [ LWRP ].
Screen is mapped as a separate model - two texture sets are used - one for drone, ane one for screen only. Both 4K.
Polycount: Tris: 2750 Polys: 1442 Verts: 1511Features: PBR / lowpoly / animated / .unitypackage included/ animator and animation states are set / subdivision-ready / 4K textures / tested in Unity / AR & VR ready
Textures (4096x4096 pix) : Albedo, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, Smoothness, Emission ( emotion states ), Metal/Smooth ( alpha), Ambient Occlusion