This is the Mecha Giant Robot Anime, for use in animations, renders, games, printing... etc.
The zip file contains various file formats: .blend, .obj, .fbx, .gltf, .stl, .ply, .abc, .dae, .usdc
You can change the color to any you want.
The decals in the shoulder are the only textures, the text are fictional names and can be replaced by any other text or logo you want. Simply edit the texture file.
Enable the alpha chanel in your game engine to not see a black border in the textures.
Please see the video to more details about the model and the rig at end of the video.
The .blend file is the original version prepared to render. Use Blender v3.3.4 to open this file.
The USDZ file uses the .usdc extension.
Feel free to ask any question or request modifications.
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