Project files of the character Lilith - the mecha succubus.
Succubi are suppose to bring happiness to others, so here she is coming with whoever is willing to take her ! Not gonna beat around the bush, if she is used in any NSFW works I'd be thrilled, so tell me if you use her for that.
Some info about the files :
+Native software : Blender 3.6
+Lilith herself is rigged and ready or animation, but work well for Blender only.
+7 poses you can see in the renders.
+All render set, lighting set up that produces the renders.
+8 set of 4k texture for her main material, a few more for decals, cloths, procedural materials.
+All HDRis used at 1k res for demonstration only, please find those HDRi accordingly on Polyhaven and support their work.
+FBX and OBJ mesh exported.
Some WARNING : if you decided to pick her up her model is very heavy for lossless features ( ~12 mil tris when fully subdivided with 8 set of 4k textures and many more smaller textures ), so I would adivice you only do so if your PC have 32GB RAM or more ; or minimum 16GB, in that case you can only render her at half res or so. Her Rig is somewhat complicated and will not carry well over any other software than Blender, though if you really want her in Maya or something you can rebuild her rig and she would work fine.