This character was rigged with an IK and a FK option and you can access it through the joints and the attribute editor. You can change you're rig however you want through the channel box/ layer edito in maya (Other wise import the Fbx one and use the default rig i've made), you can even switch between IK and Fk by just selecting the joints and then changing them in favor through the channel box/Layer Editor by using numerical values (Numbers).This character like the rest of my characters is very realistic (Good quality) and well textured. The facial is missing since I don't specialize in doing facial rigs.
Hey if you find my products impressing or you just might like them but they aren't specificly what you're looking, then you can send me a message telling me what character you would like and if you want Non comic/movie character that are a bit more realistic with face rig's then go to Zaapizoop here: is a good friend of mine and we render out models with the same techniques