File Format:
Blender 4.0.2 (Cycles and EEVEE) fully rigged inside Blender.
FBX with full rig including all animations & poses, perfect for Unity or other game engines.
GBL with full rig including all animations & poses, perfect for Three.js / Webgl or other web based engines
Clean topology.
Included 40+ premade poses
Included 10+ LOOPING animations!
All models is completely UVunwrapped.
Everything in the outliner and material have been clearly named
Advanced rigging for the face and body. FBX Version is also rigged & includes all the poses & animations. GLB Version is also rigged & includes all the poses & animations.
Blender Cycles and EEVEEE 4.0.2
Lights and Render setting are included in the Blender, with 1 Custom light setups.
Just open and render.