Blackstar is an American animated science fantasy television series, produced in 1981 by Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott for Filmation. John Blackstar is an astronaut from Earth, stranded on the planet Sagar after his spacecraft was swept into a black hole, taking him to an ancient alien universe.
The Powerstar was a mighty magical weapon that was split in two through unknown events, with Blackstar and the Overlord each possessing one half. Blackstar's weapon, the Starsword, is able to absorb, store, and reflect any external form of energy, and is virtually indestructible. It can also produce blasts of pure energy capable of destroying a target. The weapon generates an invisible aura that imbues Blackstar with superhuman senses, strength, endurance, reflexes, speed, agility, and almost unlimited invulnerability to harm and extreme temperatures. Presumably, the Overlord's Powersword confers similar abilities. For a brief time in the episode Spacewrecked, the Starsword and the Powersword are re-joined together into the Powerstar.