The semirealistic animated robot made mainly for cartoons or maybe games. The animation has 2 sequences, idle (10-340) and walking (360-380). Robot's head has morph modifier applied with several morphs to imitate the speach or emotions. The structure of the robot allows to replicate almost all human motions. The head has a cover that - if removed - exposes robot's central brain unit that can be removed as well. The model is scaled for humanoids about 185~ cm tall. Simple textures that are in fact just colors, no UVs mapping, no IK/FK. The native model format is 3DS MAX 2019. 1 Multi/SubObject material, all Sub-Materials are standard.
Polys: 44045 Verts: 40158 Renderer: scanline No 3rd party plugins UVmapping: mixed Units: centimeters.