Charming 3D model of the beloved character Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series. He is dressed in the original clothing from the 2012 animated series, in a fighting stance, with his well-known sais, and a stern expression that speaks of his readiness for battle. The creator used references from the Pinterest website to make the model.
The archive includes:
Blender file;FBX file;OBJ file;STL file;Preview;The model includes:
Raphael;Sais;Stand;Additional clothing elements.License:
Royalty Free License (Cf Cgtrader Terms and conditions ). Can be used in any type of projects : Image, render, vfx, commercial, Nft, video, film, games. Reselling Any parts, modified parts, baked Geometry or texture, or any ressources or modified ressources from this model in any form is not allowed. 10 3d Print per license ( One buy = One License )