Mocap - Crowd City Animation Library

Mocap - Crowd City Animation Library 3D model


A collection of 93 crowd city motion capture animations (Body + Fingers), UE5 Compatible, Loops, RootMotion/InPlace. All animations have been recorded and polished for use in cinematics (NOT intended for ingame state machines), although there are many with loop and rootmotion. (Mand+Woman)

More than 20 minutes of animations!



  1. A_C_F_Applaud Woman applauds.
  2. A_C_F_ChargeShopping Cashier scans products at supermarket checkout and charges.
  3. A_C_F_CrossStreet Woman crosses the street.
  4. A_C_F_DoYoga Won does yoga iman the park.
  5. A_C_F_DrinkCoffe Sitting woman drinks a coffee.
  6. A_C_F_Eat_02 Woman eats in a restaurant while chatting with someone.
  7. A_C_F_EnterHome Woman opens the door of her house with her keys.
  8. A_C_F_FeedPigeons_02 Woman in the park feeds the pigeons.
  9. A_C_F_GrabBusBar Woman grabs the bar of the bus.
  10. A_C_F_GreetDate_02 Woman goes to a date and gives two kisses to greet him.
  11. A_C_F_GreetWindow Woman leaning out the window greets someone she knows.
  12. A_C_F_Idle Idle woman.
  13. A_C_F_Jogging Woman runs.
  14. A_C_F_KickBall Girl kicks the ball and scores a goal.
  15. A_C_F_LookCross_01 Woman looks to the sides before crossing the street.
  16. A_C_F_LookForKeys Woman looks for her keys in her bag to enter the house.
  17. A_C_F_LookThroughWindow Woman sitting on the bus looks out the window.
  18. A_C_F_OrderFood_01 Woman orders food at a street stall.
  19. A_C_F_PosePhoto Woman poses for photo.
  20. A_C_F_PutBag Cashier puts products in a bag.
  21. A_C_F_Read Sitting woman reads a book.
  22. A_C_F_RockBabyCart Woman rocks baby stroller.
  23. A_C_F_SitMobile Sitting woman looks at her mobile.
  24. A_C_F_StandOnTipToe Woman stands on tiptoe to try to see something in the background.
  25. A_C_F_StopTaxi Woman stops a taxi on the street.
  26. A_C_F_TakeCommand Waitress takes a customer's order.
  27. A_C_F_TakeFood Woman takes product from a shelf and puts it in the shopping cart.
  28. A_C_F_TakeSelfie Woman takes a selfie.
  29. A_C_F_Talk_02 Woman talks to someone.
  30. A_C_F_TalkStreet_02 Walking woman passes someone and stops to talk.
  31. A_C_F_Vape Woman vapes.
  32. A_C_F_WaitBus Sitting woman waiting for the bus.
  33. A_C_F_Walk Woman walks.
  34. A_C_F_WalkBabyCart Woman walks with baby stroller.
  35. A_C_F_WalkBag Woman walks with her hand on the handle of her bag.
  36. A_C_F_WalkCold Woman walks in the cold.
  37. A_C_F_WalkDog Mujer pasea a su perro.
  38. A_C_F_WalkLaugh_01 Woman walks while laughing holding someone's arm.
  39. A_C_F_WalkQuick Woman walks quickly.
  40. A_C_F_WalkSensual Sensual walking woman.
  41. A_C_F_WalkShopping_01 Woman walks with shopping bags.
  42. A_C_F_WalkShopping_02 Woman walks with bags through a town market.
  43. A_C_F_WalkStumbler Woman walks and trips.
  44. A_C_F_WalkSuitcase Woman walks with a suitcase.
  45. A_C_F_WalkTalkMobile Woman walks talking on the cell phone.
  46. A_C_M_DistributeAdvertising Man distributes advertising on the street.
  47. A_C_M_DoYoga Man does yoga in the park.
  48. A_C_M_Drink Man drinks a soft drink.
  49. A_C_M_DrinkBeer Sitting man drinks beer from a glass.
  50. A_C_M_Drive Man drives.
  51. A_C_M_DriveTraffic Police man drives traffic.
  52. A_C_M_Eat_01 Hombre comiendo en un restaurante come y charla.
  53. A_C_M_FeedPigeons_01 Man in the park feeds the pigeons.
  54. A_C_M_GrabBusBar Man grabs the bus bar.
  55. A_C_M_Greet Man greets.
  56. A_C_M_GreetDate_01 Man turns around when he sees his date.
  57. A_C_M_HandsUp Excited man raises his hands.
  58. A_C_M_Idle Idle hombre.
  59. A_C_M_Jogging Man runs.
  60. A_C_M_LeanWall Man leans on the wall waiting for someone.
  61. A_C_M_LieDown Man lies down in the park.
  62. A_C_M_OrderFood_02 Customer asks waitress for order.
  63. A_C_M_PaintGraffiti Man paints a graffiti.
  64. A_C_M_PayShopping Man with soda in hand pays for it.
  65. A_C_M_PlayKite Child plays with kite.
  66. A_C_M_PourGasoline Man pours gasoline into the car.
  67. A_C_M_RideBike Man rides a bike.
  68. A_C_M_RunBackPack Boy runs holding his backpack because he is late for class.
  69. A_C_M_RunTired Man runs tired and stops to breathe.
  70. A_C_M_ServeClient Man serves customer from his street stall.
  71. A_C_M_SitDrunk_01 Drunk sitting man talks and laughs with someone.
  72. A_C_M_SitDrunk_02 Drunk sitting man talks and laughs with someone.
  73. A_C_M_SitVape Seated man smokes from a vaper.
  74. A_C_M_SoccerGoalKeeper Boy plays as a goalkeeper.
  75. A_C_M_TakePhoto Man takes photo.
  76. A_C_M_Talk_01 Man talks to someone.
  77. A_C_M_TalkMobile Sitting man talks on the mobile.
  78. A_C_M_TalkStreet_01 Walking man passes someone and stops to talk.
  79. A_C_M_ThrowBall Man throws ball to his dog.
  80. A_C_M_ThrowTrash Man throws away the trash.
  81. A_C_M_Vape Man vapes.
  82. A_C_M_WaitBus Man waits for the bus.
  83. A_C_M_WaitIdleBus Boy waits for the bus holding his mother's hand.
  84. A_C_M_Walk Man walks.
  85. A_C_M_WalkCool Cool man walks.
  86. A_C_M_WalkDrink_01 Man walks drinking.
  87. A_C_M_WalkDrunk Drunk man walks.
  88. A_C_M_WalkHandPocket Man walks with his hands in his pockets.
  89. A_C_M_WalkLaugh_02 Man walks while laughing holding someone's arm.
  90. A_C_M_WalkMobile Man walks writing with his mobile.
  91. A_C_M_WalkQuick Man walks quickly.
  92. A_C_M_WalkSearch Man walks searching a street with his cell phone.
  93. A_C_M_WalkWalkingStick Man walks with a walking stick.

We hope you enjoy the pack and if you have any question/queries please contact us.

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Mocap - Crowd City Animation Library
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Mocap - Crowd City Animation Library
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
Post Production
3D Scanning

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)33.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Publish date2024-02-23
  • Model ID#5115236