BEGIN YOUR FAIRY TALE...High Quality Kungfu Panda Po, ready for close up and HD renders. An example image is included ready for animation presentations and much more !
M E S H T O T A L SSubdivision level: 19364 Faces , 39258 Verts (Displacement map is only for the belt)
T E X T U R E S A N D M A T E R I A L SPreview images rendered with Arnold, but the textures and materials are ready to be rendered with no additional plug-ins (Basic AiStandartSurface Material Used For Arnold).
Furr was generated with Maya Xgen 2023. Furr can be generated in a variety of software. Base Furr texture is included for follicle coloration.
G E N E R A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N SCreated with Maya 2022Clean mesh edge loops, only quad and minimum triangles.Objects, Materials and Textures use descriptive and unique names