2 dae Files (Rigged and Unrigged)1 FBX File/1 OBJ File1 ready made textures1 UV Maps1 AO Maps1 Bake Maps1 Glossy Maps1 PSD file(AO Maps & UV Maps Included)Download Link Included in the Notecard.
*Physique & Hourglass are needed to fit in the desire type.*Maitreya is still beta.DO NOT expect it to be perfect atho I have tried my very best to rig to the closest size.*When there's an error, you voice out to the creator's IM and things can be mended, depends on the mesh product itself.
IMPORTANTPlease be well informed that any full perm you have purchased from E.Inc you have accepted the Policy set by Us.
1 - You have accepted not to resell as Full perm without consent from the owner (Moon Ishtari)
2 - You have accepted not to give it to your alt accounts that we not know of. Purchaser purchasing this product only will use it/sell it commercially within Secondlife ONLY. Should you distribute/resell as full perm or what so ever will result in legal action - DMCA against you and the receiver.
3 - Sell it as NO TRANSFER.
4 - Minimum price set upon from this product no less that 100L.
5 - You do not have any other rights than to sell it within Secondlife.
Should you need access to use on your alt resulting in additional charges. Contact (EINCMESH for INFO)
Any questions or enquiries do contact me at:https://www.facebook.com/groups/Eternity.Inc/https://www.facebook.com/eternity.sherySend me an offline messages, so NO NOTECARD.Happy creating.
*You need to have a mesh capable viewer.*Please purchase the DEMO version before you intend to purchase the said item.
Ideas & Original Creations Trademark Ⓡ Eternity Inc. All Rights Reserved.