Introducing the adorable Brian Griffin 3D Dog Model, based on the beloved character from the hit cartoon show Family Guy. This meticulously crafted 3D model is designed using both Maya and Blender, ensuring the best of both worlds in terms of versatility and creativity.
With Blender lighting and Cycle rendering, the model comes to life with stunning visual appeal. Brian's charming and endearing personality is beautifully captured in this cute 3D rendition, making him a delightful addition to any animation or game project.
To make the model easily accessible and usable in various 3D software, it comes with all the necessary files, including Max, ZBrush, OBJ, FBX, and STL formats. Additionally, the model is fully equipped with PBR (Physically Based Rendering) and all the essential texture maps, allowing for seamless integration into any rendering pipeline.
Whether you're a Family Guy fan, an animation enthusiast, or a game developer, this Brian Griffin 3D Dog Model is a must-have for adding a touch of charm and humor to your creative endeavors.