Victorian Gentleman Dickensian STATIC not rigged - Low Poly
This is a general Victorian Gentleman Works well in Dickensian street scene or steam punk scenario.
All Quad construction
Lightwave version 11.6
Lightwave version 2020 PBR
Lightwave version 2020 BSDF
MAX 2009 Standard
Max 2020 Arnold/PBR
MAX 2020 VRAY 4.10.03
*************** MAX USERS************
2009 and 2020 versions are already setup and work correctly.
This model uses Tangent Directx Normal maps. For 3DS Max users, the 3DS Max 2009 model works correctly as is. If you import this into a later version of 3DS Max (I don’t know when they changed things) you’ll need to: 1) goto CUSTOMIZE => PREFERENCES => “GAMA and LUTE => Turn off LUTE 2) goto CUSTOMIZE => PREFERENCES => bottom of screen - “Normal Bump Mode” => Select Directx, so it reads the maps correctly.
Even then, in the newer versions of Max the Normals maps will be very low (not showing up well) - They are there and will work, you just need to “turn up the volume” on them. So for “Body” instead of 1.0 in the “normal map” node use 1.2 or higher and in the “additional Bump” node instead of 0.08 use 0.008.
************ MAX USERS***************
11,619 verticies
11,156 polys
Top Hat
462 verticies
440 polys
Walking Stick
176 verticies
162 polys
8 verticies
6 polys
12,265 verticies
11,764 polys
MAX (Man,Top Hat, Walking stick, Ground)
15,906 verticies
15,340 polys
Image maps are 4k
Youtube sample links:
VG 02 TT Color HI: https://youtu.be/SAWTVfSRygI
VG 01 TT Color Hi 3: https://youtu.be/KmNjPIR8jEE
VG TT WIRE LO: https://youtu.be/mb4NPgxlkJQ