The Punisher Modern
All Diffuse, Normal Bump, Ambient Oclussion, Roughness & Height Maps Included
Coat Is Separated And Removable
Weapons not included
Includes 7 Animations In FBX Format:Walk In Place, Walk Forward, Idle, Rifle Idle, Walk with Rifle Forward & Walk with Rifle In Place
The Punisher´s costume has been altered in recent years in favor of a more casual military style with a large trench coat. This model borrows from Garth Ennis’ run on the Punisher comics, even using the less superheroic costume of a T-shirt and said trench coat. Garth Ennis revitalized the Punisher in his Marvel Knights and MAX comic book runs, replacing Frank’s black and white jumpsuit with a more grounded look and feel. The character started wearing street clothes with a simple skull graphic t-shirt that simplified the Punisher in a way you never thought necessary. This model´s design is set to reflect just that.