The Punisher Classic
All Diffuse, Normal Bump, Ambient Oclussion, Roughness & Height Maps Included
Includes 8 Animations In FBX Format: Walk In Place, Walk Forward, Idle, Rifle Idle, Walk with Rifle Forward & Walk with Rifle In Place
Weapons not included
Since the Punisher’s first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #129 from 1974, Frank Castle has remained much the same. Since even before his debut, the Punisher’s costume has been in flux. Gerry Conway initially wanted a small skull above his breast before John Romita, Sr. blew up the logo to produce the iconic look. The classic black and white Punisher costume has been abandoned, reintroduced, and retooled countless times, but it always seems to come back before too long. Frank typically wears a black body suit with white gloves, boots, and accessories, and a giant skull across his chest. It has been altered in recent years in favor of a more casual military style with a large trench coat, but it’s hard to outdo a classic.Gerry Conway and John Romita, Sr. designed it as an alternative take on the traditional superhero costume. At the time, everyone wore spandex, so even a violent anti-hero would have to wear something superhero-like as well. It’s a look that needs the right artist to give Frank a subtle superhero vibe while he does what he does, but its classic stark contrast -- mirroring Frank's strict black-and-white morality.