There is a total of 6 different people and 20 different poses (list below). All the models have two LODs depending on the distance you are going to see them or the style you prefer.
All models have been sculpted individually so they can be seen from any angle and intengrate easily into the scene. Suitable for high resolution renders.
The material is a basic material with white colour so you can easily use them in scenes with Vray, Mental Ray and other render engines. These previews have been rendered with the default max scanline.
Triangles: LOD0 around 14k and LOD1 around 4k
You can find every single model in the following formats: Max 2012, Max 2010 and OBJ.
List of models:
MEN: 3Men 9Poses
youngman: standing / walking / mobilejeansman: standing / talking / walkingsuitman: walking / talking / looking
WOMEN: 3Women 11Poses
youngwoman: standing / bag / bagposesuitwoman: standing / standing2 / bag / walk / walkbagcasualwoman: watch / talking / pregnant