The Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong (孫悟空/孙悟空) in Mandarin Chinese, is a legendary figure best known as one of the main characters in the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West (西遊記/西游记) and many later stories and adaptations. Inspiration for the Monkey King's origins predate the novel and can be traced back both to the Monkey-God, Hanuman, from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana as well as from the Song dynasty. In the novel, he is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Tang Sanzang (唐三藏) on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from the West (Indian subcontinent) where Buddha and his followers reside.
Model ready for rigging. All texture parts inside TXT.rar archive. In Unlit mode has nice handpaint view for stylized games.
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